Episode 43
January 14, 2012
I'm back with a new episode for your listening enjoyment. You'll find lots and lots of new music on episode 43. This show was recorded about a week before it was actually released, as I caught a cold on the day I had planned on putting everything together. But here it is! And whether you're local to the Twin Cities area or whether you're across the world, please do send me some feedback about your perceptions of the Twin Ciites music scene. I'm very curious. All is explained in the episode.
I'm thinking it might be fun to post a related video on the home page when I release shows, so here's the video to Far Away by Lunic, which is the lead track on this episode.
Holiday Giveaway
Congratulations to Erasmus Doggly and Evil Dave. They entered the Holiday Giveaway and each won a CD. Erasmus Doggly received Dance Floor Game by VTG and Evil Dave received the LaTeX Records Primal River Valley 2 CD compliation.
I have some other non-show related news. Unfortunately, No Fate Convention, which I've been talking about a lot, has been cancelled. Full details are at This was announced after I had recorded the audio for the episode, which is why I don't mention it on the show. In a all came down to money and trying to put together a huge event in a crappy economy. *sigh* Thanks to the organizers and everyone who's been supportive of the convention and the efforts surrounding the convention and the Sarah Connor Chronicles fandom. We'll have to meet some another time.
Episode 42 and No Fate Convention Promos
December 18, 2011
Episode 42, Welcome to Your Holiday, is up. There's lots of great new and newish music on this episode and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.
If you are a podcaster and would like to air a promo for No Fate Convention, a fan organized Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles convention, we would greatly appreciate the support (I'm helping with some marketing). You can download podcast ready promos here. Thanks to Midwest Nerds, The Inside Outcast and Geektress for the support!
Holiday Giveaway
December 4, 2011
I have 3 CDs to give away this holiday season: The Rope's self-titled debut EP, Dance Floor Game by VTG, and the 2 CD Primal River Valley compilation from LaTeX Records.
There are two ways to enter and you can enter once for each method to give you two chances to win. Entries are accepted via email to podcast at aztalan turf dot com through 11:59 PM US Central Time on December 23, 2011. Include "Holiday Giveaway" in the subject line. I think I have to say that you must be over 13 to enter. I will ship Internationally.
Method 1: Send me feedback!
Answer one question...Of the bands you've been introduced to via this show, what's a band that you have gone out to see live or have you bought music from?
Method 2: Create a Station ID/Bumper or Show Intro
Send me a station ID (aka bumper) OR create a new intro for the show. Any and all submissions may be aired on the show, so if you're not cool with that, see Method 1.
I've included an example station ID from Mach FoX below. You don't have to be in a band to make a station ID. Just tell us who you are (and maybe where you're from or the name of your website, band, etc.) and mention Aztalan Turf Podcast. I'm not real particular other than that so feel free to be creative.
Example Station ID by Mach FoXIf you're up for a challenge, you can create a new intro for the show instead of submitting a station ID. I've never been real happy with the current intro, but frankly I'm not very skilled at creating that kind of stuff. So if you think you can do better, give it a shot and send me the result.
Current show introWinners
One grand prize winner from Method 2 submissions will be chosen by me, non-randomly (I'll pick whichever entry I like the best). The grand prize winner gets to choose the CD they'd like. Winners of the other two CDs will be drawn at random from all entries from Method 1 and Method 2, excluding the grand prize winner. All winners will be announced on the first episode after Christmas.
Episode 40, No Fate Con and a Schedule Announcement
October 20, 2011
Episode 40 is up! I kept it simple this time...lots of music, not a lot of talking, no background music. There's lots of great new music on this episode including Angelspit, Ladytron, Gabriel and the Apocalypse, Dragonfly Lingo and a live track from Stabbing Westward going back to the Ungod days. Also, Roxy Bisquaint, one of the No Fate Con organizers, gives an update on the convention - including an official guest announcement and an unofficial guest announcement. You heard it here first!
In scheduling news, I'm not sure when the next episode will be posted. I will be traveling for work in early November, so that may interrupt the show schedule. Be sure to head over to the Links page in the meantime to check out some other great podcasts and Internet radio while I'm away.
Dragon*CON, the Aftermath Part 2
October 12, 2011
It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get episode 39 finally posted, but here it is - a mega episode of my ramblings that is also packed with lots of music. I promise I won't mention Dragon*CON again until next year! I can assure you I will be talking much less on the next episode. Check out the show over on the Podcasts page.
In site news, I'm working on an Interviews section where you'll find links to all past episodes that include band interviews. That should make it easier for people to go back and listen to those specific episodes, and for the nerds out there, that should also help with SEO. I'm doing some other minor revisions that should make the site better and easier to find, overall. Those changes will get rolled out as time allows, but no major revisions are planned.
Dragon*CON, the Aftermath
September 18, 2011
I'm back from Dragon*CON and (mostly) recovered. I've put together a retrospective of the trip in two parts and part 1 is now available. Part 2 should (hopefully) follow shortly.
I went to Dragon*CON for two reasons - 1. the music and 2. the people and I was not disappointed. It was great finally getting to spend time with fellow Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles fans Persia Rose and Roxy Bisquaint. I also spent quite a bit of time with Department of Evil members DJ Parallax of The Nexus of Evil and TG Mondalf from LaTeX Records and LaTeX Radio and met some really cool people while working the Ayria merch booth. In the words of a certain governator...I'll be year.
Photos are being posted on my Flickr page. I'm very much a n00b to photography, but I did get some really great shots with my fancy pants new SLR camera. Comments are welcome.
August 21, 2011
Dragon*CON is only a couple weeks away and I spent several hours this weekend researching, preparing my packing list, and checking out some of the bands that will be playing. The product of all this research is episode 37, which is a Dragon*CON preview. Check it out over on the Podcasts page. Needless to say, I'm getting pretty excited for the trip, the music, and to meet some friends from Twitter, and the Department of Evil. If you're going to the convention, please contact me so we can try and meet up at a show!
Summer Tours, Drummers and iPhones
August 3, 2011
Episode 36 is up. Summer is here and so is tour season. KMFDM has just kicked off their tour with Army of the Universe, 16volt and Human Factors Lab. Sensuous Enemy is on the road on the East Coast and Midwest. Ladytron kicks off their North American tour in September to coincide with the release of their new album, White Elephant.
Attention drummers in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, the Midwest, or willing to relocate to Minneapolis! Industrial metal band Thira are currently auditioning. Email thira at thira band _dot_ com if you're intersted in an audition.
Weeee! Episode 35 is Hot Off the Presses
July 16, 2011
Episode 35 is available, hot off the presses. Lots of Midwestern goodness is included here, plus a bunch of brand new music. Also, I'm now on Google+, so please feel free to add me there. My Google Account is under my usual username at gmail dot com. And as always, please make sure to support the artists and independent labels putting out great music, not only by buying music, but also by letting the bands know you appreciate their work.
Episode 34
July 6, 2011
This episode comes at you a few days late so I make up for it with a little longer episode and a special surprise toward the end. Lots of new music in this episode and three off the cuff album reviews.
The Weirdest Track I Own
June 21, 2011
Because I'm sure you're all wondering...On episode 33, I reveal what I believe to be the weirdest track in my music collection. And I've got some pretty weird stuff. Oh yeah, and there's a bunch of other great music, too. Also, I am still looking for a name for segment where I ramble on and on about what I like about a specific song. That's What I Like About You just may stick. Maybe I'll have to do up a cheesy theme song...
Episode 32 and Going Back to My Roots
June 4, 2011
As some of you may know, my primary musical instrument is the violin. I've been playing a lot more than normal lately, mostly because I got the idea to score out the Garbage song Cup of Coffee and record a violin only version. That project may be a little too ambitious and probably will never see the light of day, but since I've been playing more, I thought it would be fun to dedicate an episode to the violin. Episode 32 is focused on some of the more aggressive, up tempo and rock oriented songs that also feature violin, hence the title, I'd Like Some Violin with My Beats, Please. It's now available for download.
There's also a brand new segment on this episode and I'd like to make this a permanent fixture of the show. The working title is That's What I Like About You and I'll be introducing one track per episode with a more detailed or musically technical discussion of the song. The exact model is actually something I did on episode 20 for Lunic's Sober if you can remember back that far and the goal is to provide everyone with guide for some specific things to listen for. Please let me konw what you think and also let me know if you have a better title for the segment!
In other news, I am fairly certain I'll be switching the blog portion of the site over to Tumblr. I love Wordpress, where the blog is hosted now, but for whatever reason, it feels like a lot of effort to post something with Wordpress. Tumblr feels a little more inviting and I like the easy re-post capabilities. There are also some things I'd like to do to help with SEO (i.e. actually pulling in blog content, not just displaying it with Javascript), but that requires me learning a lot more web programming.
Episode 31
May 25, 2011
Another episode is complete. Not much to report here. Head over to the Podcasts page and give it a spin.
Concerts Galore and Why Minnesota Music is Awsome
May 10, 2011
Minnesota music is awsome and I have evidence to prove it. Check out episode 30, featuring music from Minneapolis/St. Paul's Funeral & the Twilight, The Rope and Thought Thieves. I love spreading the word about about what's going on in the Twin Cities.
Judgment Day
April 21, 2011
Happy Judgment Day everyone! In case you hadn't heard, Skynet came online on April 19 and today is the day the nukes launch and kill 3 billion people. Sweet! According to Cameron Phillips in the Pilot episode of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles:
The Skynet missile defense system goes online April 19, 2011. Declares war on mankind and triggers a nuclear apocalypse two days later.
Despite the fact that I announced a couple weeks ago that I'd be taking a break from the show, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to post a Judgment Day themed podcast. I give you episode 29, complete with soundbytes from TSCC and lots of apocalyptic themed music (with a pinch of hope, as well). Also, Roxy Bisquaint of does a guest spot to announce the details of No Fate Con, a Sarah Connor Chronicles fan convention Head over to the podcasts page and have a listen. I am really pleased with how it turned out and I had a lot of fun putting this show together.
Episode 28 and a Short Vacation
April 6, 2011
After hours and hours of editing, the much anticipated interview with Raziel Panic of You Shriek is now available. He had some very interesting things to say and I hope you enjoy it. I also have an announcement. I'll be taking a short vacation from the show, so the next new episode will be in early May. Everything's fine...I just need a little time to focus on some other things in my life temporarily. This is a good time to catch up on any previous episodes you missed or check out some other great podcasts and internet radio stations. See you in May!
Episdes 27 and 28
March 20, 2011
There's a little bit of this and a little bit of that in episode 27, which is now available. I interviewed Raziel Panic of You Shriek yesterday for episode 28, so look for that the weekend of April 2-3.
All Work and No Play
March 5, 2011
Work kept me from releasing a show on schedule last week, so to make up for the delay, episode 26 is a super massive episode. I'm very excited to share with you the new Shirley Manson & Serj Tankian track from Prometheus Bound along with a ton of other great music. I also realized after I had finished recording that I've been doing the show for just a few days short of 1 year. Time really flies! Thanks to everyone for listening, providing feedback and spreading the word.
Oh, and by the way...screw you, Scott Walker. On Wisconsin!
Episode 25 is Available
February 12, 2011
Back to a regular show format this time. I've had a lot of new music stocked up and ready to play for you. If you like guitars with your electronics, you'll love this set list. I feature quite a few artists on independent label Radio Active Music. Also, more tour info for Lords of Acid/Angelspit, Legends of Synthpop featuring Mesh, De/Vision and Iris and a show announcment for I:Scintilla.
Episode 24 Is Available
January 29, 2011
The VTG interview is up! Enjoy :)
Episodes 23 & 24 - Interviews and World Premiers
January 16, 2011
I had the opportunity to interview Neil, Harry and Mike from St. Paul metal band Cwn Annwn for episode 23 and I'll be interviewing Lawrence Stone of electro-rock band VTG later this evening. Episode 23 is up! Look for the VTG interview on episode 24. Shows will go back to a normal format for a while, as I'll be taking a break from interviews. Interviews require a lot of time to prep and edit and I've been working a lot of hours. Plus, I have a ton of new and new-to-me music to share and of course I can't play as much music when I do interviews.
Thanks go out to VTG and Mach FoX for allowing me to debut some tracks on the show. The VTG remix of Mach FoX's The Carousel is included in episode 23 and episode 24, due out in 2 weeks, will feature some brand new VTG.
My 2010 In Review and 2011
January 2, 2011
It's hard to believe 2010 is over and on episode 22, I take a look back at some of the music that really defined 2010 for me personally. It was hard to cut the track list down to a manageable size and this is the longest show I've done thus far.
Some exciting things are lined up for the beginning of 2011. I wrapped up an interview with Minneapolis metal band Cwn Annwn last night and it will air on episode 23, to coincide with their upcoming CD release show on January 22 at Minneapolis' Triple Rock. The band brought some music along with them and they take over a set. Also on episode 23 will be a world premier of a Mach FoX remix by VTG.
Episode 21 and Feedback
December 19, 2010
Another episode is complete...Episode 21, Show Me Something Real, is available for your listening pleasure. I'm looking ahead to 2011 and would like your feedback on what you'd like to see for band guest spots. Please head over to the show's Facebook page to share your thoughts. If you're not into Facebook, please send me a note via whichever method you prefer. There are many ways to reach me and I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for listening and Happy Holidays!
A NIN Sandwich and Delicious
December 5, 2010
Episode 20, A NIN Sandwich is now available. This one is heavy on the industrial-rock - enjoy! In site news, I'm now using Delicious to populate the Links page and I've added a button/link to my Delicious account in the header if you feel like checking out some of my other links.
I:Scintilla Interview
November 21, 2010
The I:Scintilla interview is up! Get it while it's hot!
New Site Design
November 18, 2010
I've been hard at work re-coding the site. The new color scheme should be a bit easier on the eyes and some of the changes I've made under the covers will make updating the site easier going forward. Feedback is always welcome. Look up for my contact info.
Specific, noteworthy changes include the removal of the Lists page and the addition of the Links page. Lists will now be posted to either my blog (Ramblings) or to my page. I've also completely reworked the Podcasts page so it scales better as I continue releasing episodes. If you're looking for the list of podcasts I listen to, head over to Links.
Episode 18
November 6, 2010
Episode 18 is up. Tune in for some big news from Garbage, yet another brand new I:Scintilla track, I announce the winners of the I:Scintilla Dying & Falling contest and I have an announcement for episode 19. Where else but Aztalan Turf can you hear music by electronic rock band Celldweller, death metal band Jungle Rot and folky-indie-alternative-pop artist Jenny Dalton all right next to each other in the very same set?
Congratulations to the two winners of the Dying & Falling contest. All entrants were assigned a number and I used the random number generator at to pick the winners. The first two numbers drawn were the winners.
I:Scintilla Contest Now Closed
November 5, 2010
The I:Scintilla contest is now closed. I'll be announcing the two winners on episode 18, which is set to be released on Saturday the 6th. Stay tuned!
Interview with Makaras Pen
October 26, 2010
Whew! Editing interviews is a lot of work. Sorry for the delay on this episode, but I think the extra care spent editing will be worth it. I had the opportunity to chat with Makaras Pen a couple of weeks ago and the finished product is available in episode 17, which is now posted. I hope you enjoy.
Win I:Scintilla's New Album!
October 10, 2010
In anticipation of the release of I:Scintilla's latest album, Dying & Falling, I'm running a contest via Twitter. Each of two winners receives a copy of I:Scintilla's Dying & Falling (standard edition). I:Scintilla is an excellent band with an amazing new album that I think everyone should hear, so I'm spending a little of my own money to get the album in the hands of some new listeners and future fans.
I'll be playing new tracks from I:Scintilla in each of the upcoming shows through the release of Dying & Falling on November 26. I'm really excited about the album and I want to share my excitement with all of you, faithful listeners and friends.
Contest Rules
It's pretty simple. Post this exact tweet (or a RT) from your Twitter account:
I <3 @aztalanturf podcast. RT to enter to win a copy of I:Scintilla's new album, Dying & Falling. #aziscintilla
Don't forget the hash tag! Two winners will be chosen at random and announced on episode 18, which will be released around November 6. I'll contact the winners via Twitter.
In other news...
Episode 16 is up. Tune in to hear a track from Dying & Falling, info on the upcoming Combichrist tour, a brand new remix from Kill Miss Pretty, info on Peaches Christ Superstar and lots of great music. This one is on the heavier side, but as always, there's a mix.
Live Music, Trick or Treat and Episode 15
September 25, 2010
Episode 14 was delayed a week so I give you Episode 15 - Trick or Treat? right on Episode 14's heels. There are lots of goodies waiting for you, including a set full of live concert recordings by some of my favorite bands.
Also on this episode, I tried adding some background music to the voice segments. I tend to find background music distracting, which is why I haven't added any until now, but I thought I'd give it a go. Please let me know what you think. Too loud? Too soft? Too annoying? Just right? I'd really like your feedback.
Episode 14 and Amie Street
September 18, 2010
After a week delay due to some crazy work hours, episode 14 has now been posted.
My favorite online music store and website, Amie Street, announced on September 8 that the music store has been acquired by and the site as we know it is closing its doors on September 22. Over the course of the two years that I used Amie Street, I discovered a ton of great (and not so great) new music and purchased a total of 1385 songs via the site. To give you a point of comparison, I've purchased fewer than 50 songs from iTunes in that same time. Given the news, I felt it was a good time to do a show dedicated to the artists I discovered from my time on the site. Amie Street, you will be missed!
Lucky Number 13 is Available
August 29, 2010
There's not much news other than Episode 13 - Lucky Number 13 is up and features music by VAST, Rhombus, Mankind is Obsolete, Filter and My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult. Head over to the Podcasts page for full details.
Festivals and Facebook
August 13, 2010
Episode 12 is up and features music from some of the bands playing at the Triton Festival in New York City and some of the bands playing at Dragon*CON in Atlanta. Both events are the first weekend in September - Labor Day Weekend for those in the US. Also, listen for Shirley Manson's newly posted second track from the so-called "Noir" demos.
In other news, I have caved and created a Facebook page for the show. I originally wasn't going to use Facebook at all, but it's convenient for most people. So head over and "Like" the show or leave a comment on the wall.
The First Interview and Cyborgs
August 2, 2010
The first interview and episode 11 is in the books. Thanks go out to Derek and Raechel Brown of Crocodile for sitting down and talking about the band, songwriting, SxSW, the music of Oklahoma City, mosquitos, and their new video for Head Over Heels. Please let me know what you liked and what you didn't like. I hope to do more interviews in the coming months and I'd like to know if the subject matter was interesting, especially if you're new to Crocodile.
Also, if you haven't yet heard Episode 10, One for the Cyborgs, please check it out. I merged my two uber nerd worlds into one and I am very proud of the finished product. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles + Industrial Music = Win.
I Can Haz Voice Mail?
July 3, 2010
You can now leave a voice mail message in my Google Voice mailbox. Give me a call and say hello, leave me a station ID, prank call me, whatever. I might just play the message on the air (but I won't if you tell me not to). I'd love to hear from you!
Google Voice: 504.AZTURF1 (504.298.8731)
Note: This number is for voice mail only. I will not be able to answer calls.
In other news, Episode 9 - July July, is now available for your listening pleasure. I have some pretty exciting things lined up for the next several episodes. I'm not going to tell you what they are yet, but there may be guests involved. Stay tuned.
Episode 8 is Up
June 19, 2010
Episode 8 features two concert reviews: the Deftones at First Avenue in Minneapolis and Ayria / Project Pitchfork at Ground Zero in Minneapolis. Plus, lots of summer concert info and some rare tracks from bands you know.
New Episode and Site Updates
June 4, 2010
Episode 7, featuring theSTART is now available over on the Podcasts page. There's a review of the new How To Destroy Angels EP over in Ramblings. Yes, I know...I have a section called Reviews for that kind of thing.
I've also started working with the API so you'll start seeing some of my content integrated into the site. And about a week ago, I started playing with some CSS3 properties, so those who use real browsers (NOT Internet Explorer) will notice widgets and side menus with rounded corners.
Episode 6 is in the Books
May 20, 2010
Another episode is up. If you're new to the show, welcome. Take off your coat and stay a while.
Wow, We're 5 Episodes in Already!
May 6, 2010
Because one song just isn't enough...This episode features all 2 for 1's by each artist. I jump between genres a fair amount on this show, so don't say I didn't warn you. I review the Minneapolis Assemblage 23 show from May 5 and also discuss Ayria's song dissection project and Jungle Rot's new video. Enjoy the ride.
Episode 4 is Up
April 21, 2010
This was a fun one...The FCC Violation Show. In case there was any question, this episode is definitely NSFW! It's lovely broadcasting on teh Interwebs.
Podcast RSS Feed and iTunes
April 11, 2010
The podcast now has it's own RSS feed. I've submitted the feed to the iTunes directory, so you should be able to find the show there soon. It takes a little while to be officially approved.
Update: Grrr...iTunes rejected the show. They haven't seen the last of me. If at first you don't succeed....
Episode 3 Now Available
April 10, 2010
Head on over to the podcasts page to download the latest episode featuring Milwaukee's You're Pretty. I wanted to have my info submitted to iTunes before releasing the episode, but I have a few things left to do and I didn't want to delay posting any longer. You should be able to find the show via the iTunes podcast directory within about a week.
Episode 2 and Site Updates
March 25, 2010
Episode 2, featuring IAMX, is now available over on the podcasts page. I've also done a bit of rearranging here on the site and some code work (I've been playing with jQuery for those who know what that means).
Lookey Here, We Have a Podcast!
March 9, 2010
After a couple of years of thinking about maybe doing a podcast and then several months of playing with ideas, playlists and software, I finally have something tangible! The pilot episode of Aztalan Turf is now available HERE.
If you have comments or feedback, tweet me or send an email to podcast at aztalanturf dot com.